Sunday, January 10, 2010

Birthday Party for 4...

I must say today was a great day...we got up and got ready for our day of celebration. We went to church, picked up Kris's birthday cake and asked Kristopher what he wanted to do for his Birthday? "Bowling" he said. So it was a party of 4 at the bowling ally and you know what I must was nice to have a small birthday party just us 4 for a change. It really was ALL about Kris! Normally I am running town and come party time running around making sure everyone is having a great time, I spend all day of cooking, all morning decorating, all night of cleaning and not to mention I end up spending SO much money on Birthdays. But I do it because it makes them happy. But I always feel so bad for Kris cuz he has never really had a real party...I mean he had a nice 1st birthday. But that was more for me then him...Anna has always had a big party. And Kris well always seems to get short end of the stick. At least that is what I taught... Big parties are not always the way to go. Sure they are nice to have and to see the look on your child's face, makes everything worth it. But what's to say that you can't get that same look on your child's face with something smaller and just the family. I learned that today! All he wanted to do is go bowling, have cake and open his gifts. he was so happy! So who is to say that you have to have a big birthday party......NO ONE! Celebrate how ever way you please!!
Happyt Birthday Son!!

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