Friday, January 15, 2010

mini van

It is official...I am not apart of this soccer mom group! lol I am now driving a mini van! I think it is so funny, because I have always said that I would never buy or drive a mini van. Now look at I like it!! so never say never...

my week, I must say was a good one and now it is time for a three day weekend! YAY! Be safe everyone!


  1. what happened to the jeta?
    Better yet Isaiah's hooptee?

  2. We still have Isaiah will not give that car up. Plus we had to get a 2nd car when Anna started school. So we went with a "family car" I like it and so do the kids!

  3. that's cool...I told Matt we would never do the mini-van's to cliche...

  4. HAHA you know what...I said the same thing!! But the kids were just getting to big for the jetta and it wasn't worth getting a same SUV "killer on gas" so the mini van is what we got. you know, it is not that bad!!
