Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Anna started a new school/diet

Yesterday Anna started a new school here in North Carolina and I am so happy!! She was able to get into the...well, lets just say "better" school ;D Thank god! I was happy to hear that her first day of school was a good one. I did think that she was going to cry, but to my surprise...her teacher told me that she was a great student. That really made me feel great and a little relief as a mother. So YAY!!

As for "ME"...I am so happy with my life. I have a wonderful husband, great kids and great family and friends. But I have one thing that I wish I could change...my mommy belly! Don't get me wrong I love love love to workout! I am not just some fat a$$ that complain about my body and doesn't do anything about it. I normally workout 6 days a week between the gym and zumba. But I have just moved back to NC and I am having a hard time getting to the gym. My son Kris is not in per-school. So when Anna is in school it's just me and Kris. Kris is unable to go to the CDC on base. Due to his Allergies...I have to take a class before he can go. So I can't get to the gym in the day time and at night I want to have family time...But I guess I will have to find the time to make it to the gym or really buckle down and eat healthy ONLY!! We will see what happens..."to be continued"


  1. due...that's lame that they are making you take a class so Kris can go to school...lame...my work started a biggest loser contest, and I'm going to start doing zumba for them...I'm pretty excited...

  2. That is sounds like fun!!! YAY for you!!
    Isaiah and I are going to be starting school online... wish me luck!! I hate math!!
    I am having a hard time trying to find a way to use my zumba! It kinda makes me mad, but I will find something!
