Thursday, September 16, 2010

re-cap "why do kids do, what they do?"

Last night I didn't get a chance to blog about the day I had on Wednesday,so here goes...just like any other school day. I got up super early with little to no sleep, got the kids up and ready for school. Got Anna's lunch ready and mine too for our day at the farm. that's right Anna's 1st grade class was going on a field trip to a dairy farm. So I took Anna to school and remember Anna had lost her book from the book fair...Well she said,"I think I left it in the Library." well I get to the school and pull into the parking lot, to the same spot I always park and guess what I saw in the parking lot...That's right Anna's book!! I couldn't believe it was still there and that no one picked it up. needless to say she was super excited!

Then it was off to take Kris to preschool on the base and as I was leaving I remembered is (Wednesday Sept.15Th) it was the last day to turn in cookie dough money and order forms for Anna's school fundraiser. An of course I had one more person to collect money from before I turned it in. We were trying to sell as many cookie dough tubes...because well, it is a friendly competition between students. I had one of my friends who is a Marines that works for Isaiah, go around the unit selling cookie dough. An boy, let me tell you...she killed it!! She sold a total of 43 cookie dough tubes for $15 a tube. So here I was thinking, "YEAH Anna is going to win 1st place!" I get to the school just in time before the classes start to load up onto the bus for a day at the farm. I walked into the school office quickly to tune in our cookie dough money and order forms. Then I hear," many did you sell?" It was one of the school secretary's asking, cause she knew we had sold a lot...I then told her 43! All proud and happy thinking my little girl is going to be the winner and then she said,"oh, looks like Anna is in 2ND place." I was like...WHAT!!!!??? WHO and HOW MANY?!?!?! A little girl had beat Anna out by selling 57 tubes of Cookie Dough!! I couldn't believe it!! But once I got over the the end it is all in the best interest for the school!

Then it was off to the farm...and really it was a small dairy farm. The kids got to make better. That's right "better" it was really good to. Then the kids got to feed some goats, ducks, chickens and a horse. went on a hay ride, that has fun! plus got some yummy ice cream in the end. All in all, it was a good field trip! I thank god everyday that I have this opportunity to spend this time with my kids and be able to go on these trip with them. Because I know my mom or dad never could go on field trips with my school.

Well it's getting late and today I was able to kinda relax and get a few things done on my "check list" So I am hoping that when I lay down, my brain will finally turn off and allow my body to rest!! Peace, Love and Good-night


  1. Yay! for you and Anna for selling all that cookie dough. Now you have to pass it all out :) You know I would have bought some it I lived school sold some last year when I was on maternity :(

  2. Thank you, thank you! I try my best to be super mom for my monsters! lol you know my mom bought some cookie dough and told the kids to pick whatever cookies they wanted! My mom is crazy....bur we love her!
    Did you see I am trying I be better about my blog...and you what, it is kinda therapeutic to just write about your day or write about how your feeling. I am starting to enjoy it!!
