Monday, September 13, 2010

What was I thinking....?!?!

So When I became a mother, my husband and I talked about what I was going to do...stay home and care for our children or go to school, start a career and put the kids in daycare. Well needless to say, Daycare is not cheap and at the time we were in the process of moving to California. So my husband can become a Recruiter for the Marine Corps. So going to school would have been harder then hard, Daycare would have been super expensive and on top of that I would still have to keep up with the house, kids, husband and still find time to study. So we both felt that would have been to much for me to handle as a young mother and newly married. So a stay at home mom it was. So that meant taking care of the kids, managing the bills and just making sure the house is up and running. I also knew that I wanted to be involved in my children's school. That's right PTO/PTA, Volunteering and doing whatever I can do to be involved. Well now my lil girl Annastacia is in 1st grade and let me tell you...I take the cake when it comes to being involved in my child's school. Here in Havelock, NC the Craven County Schools have what they call a "H.U.G Volunteer Coordinator" (Helping Us Grow) this person is in charge of getting volunteers for school events, managing and maintaining volunteers and volunteer activities and making sure that every volunteer is clear to volunteer at the school. "Clear to Volunteer" you ask well in order to be a volunteer in the schools of Craven County you must go through the process by apply online and then getting a fingerprint/background check! I know it seems like a lot and it is, but it is for the safety of the children and staff. This is the position I hold at my child's school and today was CRAZY!!! We have a week left before we go on a break and today we had Book fair, Picture day, testing for 1st and 2ND grade and not to mention I had some volunteers that were a no show!! Luckily I called our PTO President and VP to come in and help which they did! thank god! but to my surprise and my great organization skills, I was able to finish picture day an hour ahead of schedule!! Yea me!! Then was able to have lunch with my lil girl, 12:30 picked up my son from preschool on the base, back to the school to help with book fair and to give my one volunteer a break. Then at the last minute I had to type up a letter for our 'Labels Coordinator" (box top$ and other labels) cause she was unable to do it. Then get it approved by our principle, printed off, counted and put in the teacher's mail box. So they can put them in the students Tuesday folders. Oh, and I had 30 minutes before Anna got out of school to take down and re-design the PTO bulletin broad so the students can vote on what design they like best for their school t-shirts.
Man, what a day!! I am tired!! But I did get everything done that needed to get done. but again what was I thinking...I should be volunteer of the year!! ;-) well I am off to bed! Tomorrow is the last day for the book fair. Peace, love and good-night


  1. Gurrrrl if only I had some good back up dancers!! lol but thank god I had some people show up when I called them this morning to come in and help!
