Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sleep...I wish!

Just like last night, once again I am having a hard time falling asleep. Unable to turn my brain off, as I lay in my bed with the light off. Running through my day in my head. Checking to see what I had gotten done, what I didn't have time to do and what I needed to do for the coming day. I feel like my body is physically tired but it seems as if my brain just won't turn off! I have had a lot of things going on between my physical therapy 3 times a week, dropping off kids to school, picking them up from school, getting my volunteer stuff done for the school and trying to keep up with my house and lovely family. That I am starting to fall behind with what's important to me....luckily tomorrow all I have is physical therapy and after I am done with that. I am going to come home and clean my house. Get my meat ready for dinner and hang out with my son. Until I need to pick up Anna from school. Then wait for my husband to come home from work, so I can spend some time with him. With my day tomorrow not being as hacked, I hope that I can finally get my "check list" done and for once go to bed with a relaxed mind! Peace and Love

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