Tuesday, September 21, 2010

All fixed...

I know it has been a few days since I posted something new, but Anna is on a three week break from school. So I have been kicking back my kiddos and having "mommy me time" with Anna when Kris is in school. Thank goodness My days have slowed down...because for awhile there my days were starting to get too crazy. So for once it is nice to have a relaxed week. Thank you god and AMEN!!

lol today Isaiah got his new cell phone via FedEx...you know the phone he had to have!!! Well he came home and got on then phone to call AT&T. Now I don't know what kind of jeti-mind tricks this man has or if he just knows how to smooth talk people....because at first the AT&T sales rep told Isaiah,"sorry you lost your unlimited data but I can't undo it cuz we don't offer it anymore!" and a few minutes later Isaiah walks out of our room, still on the phone. He said he is on hold...goes back into the the room and within 10 minutes comes back out and tells me...you have your unlimited data back and so do I!! Ok now I was happy and happy that I got my unlimited data plan back. But really!!! He was on the phone for less the 30 minutes and got what he wanted and when I called them I got sh!t and I was on the phone with them for an hour!! Grrr...whatever I'm happy...it's fixed and taken care of.

Until next time. Off to bed, I hope...Peace, Love and goodnight.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

When something goes bad and you make someone mad, buy them a gift...

Okay let me start off by telling you all about thrusday evening....my husband came home from work and said to me, "babe can I get a new phone?" why he asked me I'm not sure but I told him sure! Where are you going to get it and are you going to buy it on line or at the AT&T store? He tells me well I'm glad you asked that question...witch made me nervus. GySsgt T told me about wirefly, cuz they do AT&T upgrades. So I just told him I don't care what you get just don't f**k up our unlimited data plan!!! Cuz with AT&T they no longer offer that plan and once you lose it, you can't get it back! Once he was done buying his new phone, he then told me don't worry everything stayed the same! Okay, cool! Until I woke up to get the kids ready for school...I texted my husband to have a nice day and that I love him....THEN I get a pop up. Saying that my phone doesn't have a data service plan and that I should get one!!!!!!! OMG I WAS MAAAADDD!!!! Come to find out my phone was the one up for an upgarde, so he used my upgrade. An really I wasn't mad about that I could care less about that. I lost my unlimited data plan!!! And is now I'm on a 2GB plan for a phone that I don't even have!!! That plan was activated for isaiahs new phone "my cell phone number" needless to say it was and still is a mess!!! So to make it up to me...my wonderful husband said let's go to Jacksonville's best buy cuz I want to buy you an iPad!! LOL now that's a great way to make it up to me!! Thanks you my love!!

All I can say is that his iPad is the $#!+!!! I love it!! But then this afternoon Anna comes to us saying her computer is not working...so Isaiah goes and looks at it and for some reason it won't turn on...Isaiah said to me I will look at it later let's go and get pizzas. So we did came home and ate dinner. When anna said why is my computer not working daddy!?!? Isaiah said I don't know...I then looked at her and I can see it in her eyes, she did something wrong. I then asked her,"Anna did you spill something on your computer?" and there it was!! The look on her face screamed guilty and she started to cry. Isaiah looked at her like no you didn't!! Got up and went into her room started working on the computer and found out the hard drives are not working!!! Movies and ALL OF MY PICTURES where on that hard drive!!! Pictures of the kids when they were babies, wedding, parties and vacations!!! I was and kinda still am mad!!!!! I was able to log on to my old myspace account and saved all the pictures I had on there but isiaah said he was going to work on it tomorrow. So it looks like we are off to best buy again for a few things Isaiah is going to try and get my pictures!!! Pray for me that I get those back cuz I can care less about anything else on that computer.
Pace, Love and Pray that Isaiah can get those pictures!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

re-cap "why do kids do, what they do?"

Last night I didn't get a chance to blog about the day I had on Wednesday,so here goes...just like any other school day. I got up super early with little to no sleep, got the kids up and ready for school. Got Anna's lunch ready and mine too for our day at the farm. that's right Anna's 1st grade class was going on a field trip to a dairy farm. So I took Anna to school and remember Anna had lost her book from the book fair...Well she said,"I think I left it in the Library." well I get to the school and pull into the parking lot, to the same spot I always park and guess what I saw in the parking lot...That's right Anna's book!! I couldn't believe it was still there and that no one picked it up. needless to say she was super excited!

Then it was off to take Kris to preschool on the base and as I was leaving I remembered something...today is (Wednesday Sept.15Th) it was the last day to turn in cookie dough money and order forms for Anna's school fundraiser. An of course I had one more person to collect money from before I turned it in. We were trying to sell as many cookie dough tubes...because well, it is a friendly competition between students. I had one of my friends who is a Marines that works for Isaiah, go around the unit selling cookie dough. An boy, let me tell you...she killed it!! She sold a total of 43 cookie dough tubes for $15 a tube. So here I was thinking, "YEAH Anna is going to win 1st place!" I get to the school just in time before the classes start to load up onto the bus for a day at the farm. I walked into the school office quickly to tune in our cookie dough money and order forms. Then I hear,"Mrs.Kirk...how many did you sell?" It was one of the school secretary's asking, cause she knew we had sold a lot...I then told her 43! All proud and happy thinking my little girl is going to be the winner and then she said,"oh, looks like Anna is in 2ND place." I was like...WHAT!!!!??? WHO and HOW MANY?!?!?! A little girl had beat Anna out by selling 57 tubes of Cookie Dough!! I couldn't believe it!! But once I got over the shock...in the end it is all in the best interest for the school!

Then it was off to the farm...and really it was a small dairy farm. The kids got to make better. That's right "better" it was really good to. Then the kids got to feed some goats, ducks, chickens and a horse. went on a hay ride, that has fun! plus got some yummy ice cream in the end. All in all, it was a good field trip! I thank god everyday that I have this opportunity to spend this time with my kids and be able to go on these trip with them. Because I know my mom or dad never could go on field trips with my school.

Well it's getting late and today I was able to kinda relax and get a few things done on my "check list" So I am hoping that when I lay down, my brain will finally turn off and allow my body to rest!! Peace, Love and Good-night

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sleep...I wish!

Just like last night, once again I am having a hard time falling asleep. Unable to turn my brain off, as I lay in my bed with the light off. Running through my day in my head. Checking to see what I had gotten done, what I didn't have time to do and what I needed to do for the coming day. I feel like my body is physically tired but it seems as if my brain just won't turn off! I have had a lot of things going on between my physical therapy 3 times a week, dropping off kids to school, picking them up from school, getting my volunteer stuff done for the school and trying to keep up with my house and lovely family. That I am starting to fall behind with what's important to me....luckily tomorrow all I have is physical therapy and after I am done with that. I am going to come home and clean my house. Get my meat ready for dinner and hang out with my son. Until I need to pick up Anna from school. Then wait for my husband to come home from work, so I can spend some time with him. With my day tomorrow not being as hacked, I hope that I can finally get my "check list" done and for once go to bed with a relaxed mind! Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why Do kids do, what they do?

So today at my lil girls school, it was the last day for the book fair and I asked her teacher if she could send Anna down when they had some down time. So then before lunch here comes Anna, all excited because she gets to finally buy her books and has she was heading back to class, I said to her "Anna when you get to your classroom put your books away!" and I was told she did! But when she came to the library after school because that is where I was, helping pack up all the books. She sits down and pulls out her books. I then tell her "no put your books back in your backpack and do you homework and she did. But when we got home I noticed something....and I looked at Anna and said to her "Anna didn't I buy you 4 books?!" she then looked at me with confusion on her face and said I thing so...:-/ why mommy?? omg don't mommy me there is only 3 books in your backpack!!! Then she said "oh no I think I left it in the library!!! We have to go back and get it! An like a good mother I am. We went back to the school. But the librarian had left for the day. So she then started to cry and I look at her asking,"why are you crying?!?" as she wiped her face she says to me "you said tomorrow the books are getting picked up mommy! What if my book gets put back!?!" :*( geeezzz well then I guess next time you'll listen to me and keep the in your backpack until we go home! Good Grief!! I pray we found her book! Cuz let me tell you buy books at the school book fair is not cheap!! Well tomorrow is going to be another crazy day. Anna has her first field trip to the farm, Kris has school, I also need to turn in Anna's cookie dough money but I still have two people to collect from. The things we do for our children...even when they do the things they do! Peace, Love and Good-night

Monday, September 13, 2010

What was I thinking....?!?!

So When I became a mother, my husband and I talked about what I was going to do...stay home and care for our children or go to school, start a career and put the kids in daycare. Well needless to say, Daycare is not cheap and at the time we were in the process of moving to California. So my husband can become a Recruiter for the Marine Corps. So going to school would have been harder then hard, Daycare would have been super expensive and on top of that I would still have to keep up with the house, kids, husband and still find time to study. So we both felt that would have been to much for me to handle as a young mother and newly married. So a stay at home mom it was. So that meant taking care of the kids, managing the bills and just making sure the house is up and running. I also knew that I wanted to be involved in my children's school. That's right PTO/PTA, Volunteering and doing whatever I can do to be involved. Well now my lil girl Annastacia is in 1st grade and let me tell you...I take the cake when it comes to being involved in my child's school. Here in Havelock, NC the Craven County Schools have what they call a "H.U.G Volunteer Coordinator" (Helping Us Grow) this person is in charge of getting volunteers for school events, managing and maintaining volunteers and volunteer activities and making sure that every volunteer is clear to volunteer at the school. "Clear to Volunteer" you ask well in order to be a volunteer in the schools of Craven County you must go through the process by apply online and then getting a fingerprint/background check! I know it seems like a lot and it is, but it is for the safety of the children and staff. This is the position I hold at my child's school and today was CRAZY!!! We have a week left before we go on a break and today we had Book fair, Picture day, testing for 1st and 2ND grade and not to mention I had some volunteers that were a no show!! Luckily I called our PTO President and VP to come in and help which they did! thank god! but to my surprise and my great organization skills, I was able to finish picture day an hour ahead of schedule!! Yea me!! Then was able to have lunch with my lil girl, 12:30 picked up my son from preschool on the base, back to the school to help with book fair and to give my one volunteer a break. Then at the last minute I had to type up a letter for our 'Labels Coordinator" (box top$ and other labels) cause she was unable to do it. Then get it approved by our principle, printed off, counted and put in the teacher's mail box. So they can put them in the students Tuesday folders. Oh, and I had 30 minutes before Anna got out of school to take down and re-design the PTO bulletin broad so the students can vote on what design they like best for their school t-shirts.
Man, what a day!! I am tired!! But I did get everything done that needed to get done. but again what was I thinking...I should be volunteer of the year!! ;-) well I am off to bed! Tomorrow is the last day for the book fair. Peace, love and good-night

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Be Better...

OK, I know I have not been updating my blog...but I guess life, kids, home and a husband to care for. Can really take up all your time, But it is what I do. So from now on I will try my best to make time to update my blog and let you all know what is going on in my life!! A lot has gone on and there is a lot more to come! So stay tuned in...every night before I go to bed I will update my blog to tell you about my crazy day. Peace and Love

Sunday, January 31, 2010

2 weeks later...

Okay lets see where should I start.... Well, Anna is loving her school. She is starting to read and learning how to spell. I am so proud of her! Kris has a doctor's appointment in two weeks. i am trying to get this together so he can start school. Plus once both kids are in school I am hoping to start my own schooling. I put my career aside to start a family. Isaiah is about 7 years older then me, he didn't want to be 30 years old and just starting to have kids. So here we are...the kids are now school age. So I should be starting school soon. I just hope I do well, I would hate to have to pay the government back.

As for my zumba classes...they are not going!! :o{ everywhere I go "gyms" they wont hire me unless I have my group. So I am having to cancel my ZIN membership. Witch makes me mad as hell. because I feel I wasted money!! But we'll see what happens. I am hoping I can still find away to zumba. Stupid NC!!

Tomorrow I am going to have to call the Dentist...I think I have an abscesses tooth!! :o( it sucks!! but from what I have read online I might have found it in it's first stage. So i am hoping that I wouldn't have to have my root canal done again. Cause united Concordia doesn't cover much. Pray all I need is a "Z pack" I hate going to the dentist.

Friday, January 15, 2010

mini van

It is official...I am not apart of this soccer mom group! lol I am now driving a mini van! I think it is so funny, because I have always said that I would never buy or drive a mini van. Now look at me...plus I like it!! so never say never...

my week, I must say was a good one and now it is time for a three day weekend! YAY! Be safe everyone!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Anna started a new school/diet

Yesterday Anna started a new school here in North Carolina and I am so happy!! She was able to get into the...well, lets just say "better" school ;D Thank god! I was happy to hear that her first day of school was a good one. I did think that she was going to cry, but to my surprise...her teacher told me that she was a great student. That really made me feel great and a little relief as a mother. So YAY!!

As for "ME"...I am so happy with my life. I have a wonderful husband, great kids and great family and friends. But I have one thing that I wish I could change...my mommy belly! Don't get me wrong I love love love to workout! I am not just some fat a$$ that complain about my body and doesn't do anything about it. I normally workout 6 days a week between the gym and zumba. But I have just moved back to NC and I am having a hard time getting to the gym. My son Kris is not in per-school. So when Anna is in school it's just me and Kris. Kris is unable to go to the CDC on base. Due to his Allergies...I have to take a class before he can go. So I can't get to the gym in the day time and at night I want to have family time...But I guess I will have to find the time to make it to the gym or really buckle down and eat healthy ONLY!! We will see what happens..."to be continued"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Birthday Party for 4...

I must say today was a great day...we got up and got ready for our day of celebration. We went to church, picked up Kris's birthday cake and asked Kristopher what he wanted to do for his Birthday? "Bowling" he said. So it was a party of 4 at the bowling ally and you know what I must say...it was nice to have a small birthday party just us 4 for a change. It really was ALL about Kris! Normally I am running town and come party time running around making sure everyone is having a great time, I spend all day of cooking, all morning decorating, all night of cleaning and not to mention I end up spending SO much money on Birthdays. But I do it because it makes them happy. But I always feel so bad for Kris cuz he has never really had a real party...I mean he had a nice 1st birthday. But that was more for me then him...Anna has always had a big party. And Kris well always seems to get short end of the stick. At least that is what I taught... Big parties are not always the way to go. Sure they are nice to have and to see the look on your child's face, makes everything worth it. But what's to say that you can't get that same look on your child's face with something smaller and just the family. I learned that today! All he wanted to do is go bowling, have cake and open his gifts. he was so happy! So who is to say that you have to have a big birthday party......NO ONE! Celebrate how ever way you please!!
Happyt Birthday Son!!

Kristopher's Birthday...

Today January 10th is the day four years ago, I walked into Manteca Doctor's Hospital to have a C-Section. Kristopher Alexander Kirk is a ture mama's boy! A smart lil guy who love to paly on his Wii and DS. He also likes to believe it or not "Google" that is right he knows how to use the computer. He is a great kid and I don't say that because he is my son. He really is a great kid!